Thursday, October 26, 2006

"For the Love", by Vincent

Recently Vincent has been busy rekindling his love for writing. He has been doing art features and music reviews for the Pulse: Chattanooga’s weekly alternative. You should check it out when you have time (by picking up a copy of the Pulse or clicking onto their link)…and if you would like, feel free to comment!

This current article is about The Late Bloomers Series at the Chattanooga Theater Center (more details in the article). It all seems very interesting and we should get a group to go see some of their shows.


funke said...

So freaking awesome!

Anonymous said...

Rats. I meant to link to my real blog. But what's worth saying once is worth saying again:

So freaking awesome!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kiko, biko
Hey lady,

Nice to catch up on your life via blog. It sounds like life is going well and that you are enjoying yourself. I am really glad that you are now authorized to get paid. You are a now a married woman. And that you rock.

love you miss
oh baby oh baby
ruth hope