Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A new blog on Covblogs: A Day in the Life

So the infamous Codington Blog is officially listed on Covblogs. Does this make the blog more 'authentic'? I thought it was just an ad-campaign-blog? I can't blame Josiah and his crew, they are in a pinch. If they don't list "A Day in the Life of a Covenant Student", I'm pretty sure the folks on the mountain will be a bit offended.

I guess this means that someone from Coptix can recruit a writer for "A Day in the Life of a Coptix Worker". OH! and then some one from 3HD can up the ante by writing "A Day in the Life of a 3HD Worker." Well, while we are at it, Vincent can start writing for "A Day in the life of a Trueshine Worker".

, you do understand that you put covblogs in an awkward position. Why not be more consistent and not so easily compromise your integrity: you know what your intentions are with "A Day in the Life Of a Covenant Student". Tell covblogs, it doesn't belong in their listings...just on your website: Covenant.edu.

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