Sunday, June 10, 2007

Irresponsible Journalist turns 28

Here is the birthday boy himself! Happy Birthday Josiah! Off course we celebrated this 'Christmas in June' in a well deserved manner. In a warehouse, were we can make all the noise we want without disturbing others and music to make us dance till the wee hours of the morning. Though you are 'irresponsible' in many ways, you are a dear dear friend that deserves many best birthday wishes. Vincent and I are proud to call you our friend...I think...did I say that on the internet?...I did. Oh well. Anyways, Happy Birthday.
The host of the party: D.
The birthday boy and his lovely wife...trying to keep up with his pace.

More pictures on Flickr. It was such a great gathering of people as the Galpins and Wardells were able to join us this weekend.


Sienna said...

happy birthday josiaH!!!

kate said...

Irresponsible??? This guy has success written all over his forehead--you can even see the letters